Zoom lámpara. PowerSun UV 100 W

  • Iluminación para terrario
  • Vapor de Mercurio
  • Rayos UVA y UVB
  • Promueve la síntesis de Vitamina D3
  • 1680 lúmenes. Nota: Por favor espere 15 minutos antes de reiniciar para esta lámpara para refrescarse.

Zoo Med Laboratories – Powersun Uv 100W Bulb

The PowerSun UV is a self ballasted mercury vapor lamp which emits UVA, UVB, and heat all in one lamp! Fits into a standard ceramic socket. (No ballast needed.) The 160 watt projects UVB up to several feet from the lamp's surface and is ideal for Large terrariums or bird aviaries. Features include quality nickel plated threads to prevent against corrosion, and a full one year warranty!

  • 100 Watt

Precio: EUR 69,00